Latest publications
Building on dismembered land: a transfer still spared by Bercy
The dismemberment of real estate ownership remains a relevant and optimal way of transferring assets.
Recent developments on retrocessions in the advisory mandate
The Swiss Supreme Court and FINMA have issued new clarifications on retrocessions in advisory mandates and execution-only relationships.
France's budget for 2025: it's going to be sporting!
With no majority in the National Assembly, a budget deficit and abysmal debt, the preparing and voting of the Finance Bill for 2025 is going to be quite an obstacle course.
Has the time come for luxury goods to be customised?
The Swiss Supreme Court has set the record straight on the right to customise luxury goods, particularly watches.
Building on dismembered land: a transfer still spared by Bercy
The dismemberment of real estate ownership remains a relevant and optimal way of transferring assets.
Recent developments on retrocessions in the advisory mandate
The Swiss Supreme Court and FINMA have issued new clarifications on retrocessions in advisory mandates and execution-only relationships.
France's budget for 2025: it's going to be sporting!
With no majority in the National Assembly, a budget deficit and abysmal debt, the preparing and voting of the Finance Bill for 2025 is going to be quite an obstacle course.