Julien Le Fort

Associate | Geneva

+41 22 849 60 40

Practice areas: Corporate and Commercial, Banking and Finance, Litigation and Arbitration

Languages: French, German, English


Julien Le Fort is an Associate with FBT and a member of both its Corporate and Commercial and its Banking and Finance groups. He specializes in corporate and commercial law and advises individuals and companies of different sizes on domestic as well as cross-border legal issues, namely on mergers and acquisitions, agency and distribution agreements and other commercial agreements. He also collaborates with the Banking and Finance group on financial litigations and banking regulation and advises Swiss and foreign banking institutions, companies active in asset management as well as investment funds and Swiss and foreign fund managers on these areas.


  • Incorporation and structuring of new commercial companies
  • Contractual law
  • Banking and financial litigations
  • Banking and financial regulations

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