France’s budget for 2025: it’s going to be sporting!

With no majority in the National Assembly, a budget deficit and abysmal debt, the preparing and voting of the Finance Bill for 2025 is going to be quite an obstacle course.

Conventions fiscales internationales – Modernisation de la Convention fiscale franco-suisse sur les revenus et sur la fortune

L’avenant à la Convention franco-suisse signé le 27 juin 2023, actuellement en cours de ratification par la France, intègre un nouveau régime de répartition du droit d’imposer les revenus d’un salarié en situation de télétravail.

French debt and taxation: what can we expect?

After the surprise slippage in France’s public deficit in 2023 (5.5% rather than the expected 4.9%), the debate on public finances is gaining momentum.

Dispositif Dutreil et trésorerie excédentaire : la jurisprudence semble s’affiner pour l’appréciation de l’activité principale

La Cour de cassation, dans un arrêt du 13 mars 2024, rappelle que la prépondérance de l’activité s’apprécie en considération d’un faisceau d’indices déterminés d’après la nature de l’activité et les conditions de son exercice, en matière d’exonération « Dutreil-ISF ».

Signing a «Dutreil» pact before transferring a company

A precautionary measure to effectively reduce tax costs in a Franco-Swiss context.

France further reinforces its anti-abuse tax arsenal

The French Finance Act for 2024 has introduced a number of new measures, particularly in the area of international taxation. It has further reinforced an already particularly repressive anti-abuse provision.

Non-French tax residents will be impacted by the reform of the French real estate wealth tax from 1 January 2024

In line with its reputation in tax matters, France has once again amended the rules applicable to the real estate wealth tax (hereinafter referred to as the “IFI”).

Echange international de renseignements fiscaux : mieux vaut agir tard que jamais

Bien que les contribuables mis en cause résident souvent à l’étranger, le droit suisse leur confère la possibilité de participer aux procédures en Suisse.

The « Dutreil » pact in an international context: a precautionary measure to effectively reduce the French tax cost of a company transfer

The fact that a company or its shareholders are located outside France sometimes makes people forget that French tax law imposes duties on gratuitous transfers in many cases, even though the deceased (or donor) is domiciled abroad. The surprise will be bitter for the heirs of an unprepared succession.